It’s tough to keep up on the various features that SP-1 has. One of our biggest challenges is to make sure that people know what we have available to them. I thought I’d present ten of the top features of SP-1.
In no particular order:
1) Zero Training interface. Pictures say it all. We consistently hear from our current customers about how easy it is to take an order in SP-1. The graphical touch screen interface makes training a new employee an easier affair than using a cash register or than using a text based system.
2) On the fly ticket editing. This abiltity to change any item while in the middle of an order .
3) Dashboard . This gives you and your managers to quickly see where you are at from virtually anywhere in SP-1. Seeing an on the fly labor, cost of goods sold and sales detail is vital.
4) Ecomms. This allows you to email, internally, your employees and verify that they received the message. Because an employee has to type a random four digit code to acknowledge the message. This reports to you that the message has been read .
5) Pricing options. SP-1 handles many different pricing scenarios. This allows you the flexibility to be sure that your employees are not having to manually adjust pricing.
6) Free gift & loyalty systems. It’s built right into SP-1 and no charge. Gift cards, prepaid options, rewards and more.
7) Multi Store & Corporate options. SP-1 has the ability to handle multiple store locations and provide owners the control they need.
8) Complete customer tracking. We track birthdays, previous orders, email addresses, catering addresses and more.
9) Discount & Coupon tracking. Being able to see where your promotional discounts are and are not working is imperitive.
10) Menu mix tracking. We can track your menu categories, sizes, specialties and modifiers. With SP-1 you will be able to see exactly what is an is not happening with your sales.
There you go! Ten reasons our customers use SP-1!