Customer Accounts
Do you work with any businesses or schools that order often and want to be billed? If so SP-1 can help you!
Over the years we have run into a lot of stores that will run a “tab” for their business customers. SP-1 has a complete accounts payment system built into the software.
SP-1 will allow you to setup a customized customer profile for each of these accounts. Once that is setup, customers can “charge” their ticket to their account. This can have a password applied to it as well so you don’t have employees setting up accounts for friends.
Once your customer sends in a payment, you can make that with the account payment button on the Order Entry screen. This will then pay off all or part of that account.
SP-1 will also allow you to run custom billing reports and send account statements to these customers! Our reporting can be setup to This allows you to communicate with your customers and receive proper payment.
Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371