Caller Id for Deliveries and Pickup!

Do you take phone orders?  If so, you can save your staff time by implementing a Caller Id system.  SelbySoft has a fully integrated Caller ID system that allows your employees to see who is calling in!

This caller id system will appear when the phone rings.  SP-1 will show you the customer name and phone number.  If that customer is already in your customer database, the address will be shown as well.

When you select the appropriate button, SP-1 automatically pulls up the customer and shows you their information and last order.  That eliminates having to enter the entire phone number when you answer the phone.

If  the customer is not in the database then you have the option to add that customer.  Once you add, the name and phone number information are automatically added to the customer file by the caller id system.  That eliminates having to re-type that information in.

Give us a call if you would like to explore this option more fully!  There are some neat little factoids for you about Caller ID below!


Theodore George “Ted” Paraskevakos from Greece, was the first person to patent caller id technology.  This happened in 1968. From 1969 to 1975 he was granted 20 or so patents on that technology.

Kazuo Hashimoto, a Japanese inventor with over a 1,000 patents built the first prototype caller id display.  That is now on display in the Smithsonian!



August 17th, 2012 by